Having a comprehensive throttle body rebuild has been at the top of the Yellow Peril’s “Should Have Sorted This Out Ages Ago List” for some time but various higher priority jobs and life in general simply got in the way.
Finally however, I had an email from Steve Winter at Jaz Porsche saying “Bring the car in and let’s get it sorted” and I was there like a shot to leave the car in his care.
The Yellow Peril was born in Stuttgart in October 1970 (Porsche 1971 model year). Shortly after her birth, she was shipped across the English Channel and delivered to AFN’s Falconworks Porsche Adoption Agency in Iselworth. She was subsequently registered and handed to her new carer in January 1971.
Let’s face it, asking how my ’71 911 was going at the November Porsche Club Out East meet was never going to elicit the response “Perfect Steve. Not a single thing wrong it but I think old cars can become interminably boring over time due to their relentless reliability” ……… was it?
To be fair – I did actually restrict my response to “Pretty good thanks apart from the need for a bit of minor clutch adjustment”.
Steve Winter being the true gentleman he is immediately told me to bring Yellow Peril up to his Jaz Porsche workshop in St Albans the following Saturday where he’d quickly carry out the necessary clutch adjustment.
Whilst listening closely to the Yellow Peril’s engine earlier this week (as you do) – I noticed a bit of a mechanical clattering noise coming from left hand throttle body as I revved the engine using the throttle linkage.
This odd noise and the fact that the engine had gone a bit off-song since its trip to Le Mans Classic in early July prompted me to arrange a visit to see Steve Winter at Jaz Porsche for his expert opinion.
This could be the range of emotions that you’d expect to go through as an integral part of classic car ownership but in the context of this post they refer to remaining problems that had to be sorted out on my engine following its complete rebuild.
With the benefit of hindsight – driving the car to Le Mans in June 2014 before the engine was fully sorted and properly set-up wasn’t one of my better ideas!
Steve did his best to sort things out but both he and I were unaware of some underlying issues which impacted performance and smooth running during the trip.
Thanks to Steve’s perseverance in analysing the multiple, linked issues and sorting them out I now have a car which is running so much better than on the Le Mans trip that I barely recognise it. I just can’t stop grinning whilst driving it!
My 911 saga began actually began with a dream of owning an earlier Porsche model – the 356, but much research and inspection of cars led me to the conclusion that:-
a) Buying a decent 356 at that time was beyond my means and
b) Using a 356 as a daily driver wasn’t really terribly practical.
The 356 engined 912 became toy next Porsche target and I looked at a few cars until Porsche expert Andy Prill pointed out that the cost of fully restoring a 912 are pretty well the same as for a 911 but with two cylinders less than a 911 the resulting value of the car would be significantly lower and thereby represent a less compelling long-term investment.